from Confrides to Sella


A tough stage which runs through the region of Marina Baja, peaceful rural villages that have grown up among valleys and ravines. We will cross the Sierra de Aitana, from north to south, leaving from Confrides and climbing to the peak of Aitana (1.558 m), the summit of the province of Alicante, and descend into the municipality of Sella.

The Sierra de Aitana, (1.558 m.), is the highest mountain range in the province of Alicante. It is characterized by an extremely rugged relief and steep slopes, which together with its proximity to the sea make this range an area of stark contrasts, stunning views and a great variety of flora and fauna.

We start our stage in Confrides on an asphalt path signposted as La Font de L'Arbre. It ascends gently through the fields of fruit trees and pine forests up to the Font de l'Arbre Alcoi, where we can have a rest at the tables and freshen up at the fountain, under the shade of the trees.

From the Alcoi we continue along a wide forest track to the summit of Aitana. The path runs between pine trees on one side and the mountain slopes on the other, where we encounter several snowfields, once used to store snow which was pressed to make ice.

We arrive at Font de Forata, with some watercourses along which a trickle of water flows. From here we can see that the top of Aitana is quite near. We resume our trek along the Passet de La Rabosa botanical trail where a good representation of the most significant flora on Aitana can be seen, especially plants endemic to the crags and screes. Shortly we will stumble upon the impressive Pas de La Rabosa, a cleft in the mountain that leads us to another face of Aitana, but in order to get to this we will have to climb over the mountain scree.

We cross the pass and follow the path beside some huge crevices, the Partagat Potholes, which are more than 100 metres deep.

After stopping to observe these crevices, as well as the summit of Aitana, we continue our walk along the crest of the mountain range enjoying the view, being able to see all the great Alicante mountains in a panoramic view.

We descend to a forest track that will lead us to the Tagarina ravine, where we will link up with a dirt track that crosses the shady spot called Penya de Sella until we reach the Travessa pass along this beautifully shaded road.

At this point we can see our destination, the municipality of Sella, our descent will be down a steep and rocky path that falls away towards the shrine of Santa Barbara, and by which we will reach the municipality.


​A municipality located in the Marina Baja region, on the side of the Aitana Mountain range. Characterized by a picturesque town, with steep, narrow streets and crowned by the shrine of Santa Barbara.

The origin of the town dates back to the establishment of a Muslim fortress, which gave rise to the most prosperous town in the area, populated by Muslim converts to Christianity dependent on the Count of Cocentaina. The cultivation of cereals and food requirements led to the construction of up to five water-powered flour mills.

Some of the dishes that you can sample and which are part of the gastronomic culture of Sella are: rice with beans and chards, codfish paella, meatballs, frigate tuna stew, pepper and tomato flat pie and a variety of cakes, such as els mostatxons.

Sella is a good starting point for excursions, whether hiking or mountain biking.

Through the Aitana mountain range. There are several approved trailsthat depart from the municipality, such as: PR-CV 10, which ascends to the summit of Aitana. PR-CV 199, a short circular route that climbs to Travessa hill and SL-CV 112, a beautiful local footpath known as the "water route" that lead us to beauty spots in the municipality.

You can go climbing in the Barranc de l'Arc all year round. In this area there are a great variety of routes, from classic ones a few hundred yards long in Peñón Divino to grade eight sporting climbs that make Sella a paradise for climbers.

You can also go on guided birdwatching trips, enjoying watching the most impressive species of European bird life, because in the highest mountains of Alicante we can see golden eagles, Bonelli's eagles, Griffon vultures, goshawks, short-toed treecreepers, crossbills, or goldcrests, among others.


Sella sits on the southern slope of the Penya Sella range, one of the southern foothills of the Aitana mountain range. In the same municipality there is an intersection of two ravines with their corresponding rivers, Arc and Sella.

These channels have generated deep ravines, which since days gone by have had to be climbed via retaining walls, crossing arable land.

On the slopes of the ravines of the rivers Arc and Sella, we can discover and enjoy fast-flowing waterfalls, hollows and historic flour  mills.